Crooked Physics

Thumbnail of the map 'Crooked Physics'

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Author BuddyLee
Tags action author:buddylee bitesized featured playable rated
Created 2006-07-30
Last Modified 2007-02-02
by 43 people.
Map Data

Description This is finally precisely how I want it. Gold should be smooth. Enjoy!

This map was featured on 2009-03-17

Aptly named, Crooked Physics is a map that involves an effect I've not seen used in any other map.

The sense of disorientation that overcomes you when you play this map is your greatest enemy; you won't know which walls you can grab onto and which you walls will slide off of.

It's also a really fun map and not one to be missed. — lord_day

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hypnosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Histrionic' Thumbnail of the map 'A Malfeasant Source of Chaos' Thumbnail of the map 'The Difficulty Curve' Thumbnail of the map 'Altered Ego' Thumbnail of the map 'Outstretch'
Hypnosis Histrionic A Malfeasant Source of Chaos The Difficulty Curve Altered Ego Outstretch


thou art

a reveller


If he gets to be a revier, so do I!


I can so be a revier


did it get too hard to find one map a day?

I don't get why

a group of users can't find at least /one/ map a day.

Finally got an AGD!
I've seen maps similar to this, but this one is made very well.
Demo Data




In the 'Profile' tab, there is an edit settings button on the top right. You can edit it from there.

hey guys

been a while aye lol
ah NUMA.... good times lol
well ill make another map sometime aye


Wow that messed me all up, ohone thing can somebody tell me how to change avatar?
Only missed the top score by a few frames.
Demo Data



Don't say that around PNI



Don't say that around Maximo


Enjoyable, but not really feature-worthy.


How does this map not have enough action? It's got at least one rocket or gauss in every single passageway.

*Ignores Eiturlyf*

Demo Data


This thing frustrates me.


Demo Data

Sorry, lord_day...

esay is has been done before. In the N game itself, episode 83, level 0. It's the same map, without the border, mirrored, and the upper and lower paths don't alternate, so that it looks less snakelike. It IS still a fun map, but it didn't have enough action IMO...


Demo Data
(a very generous) 3/5
The guasses were overkill, and i didn't get the cool warped nauseating feeling i got while playing Gold'N Waffle (y'all know - 83-0?)

not fun to play and especially unfun for highscoring.

Just my thoughts, but I'm not expecting people to agree with me either...

Twas fun

but I did't see the unique effect just seemed like a map with slanty walls to be but maybe it just doesn't work on some
Demo Data
Support it with evidence please !


i liked the look of it


It's been done before, and better. 3/5.
Demo Data
However, the tiles worked flawlessly with the enemies-nice job! 4/5

tilting your head to the left, just makes it worse, haha, which can be quite fun

Definately worth the feature.

I really like it

Good feature choice


Very, very disorienting.
However, flawless execution of a great concept.

Those gausses are evil. :(

love it!



there are lots of maps that have the same effect, except this is waaaayyyy crazier and hurts my eyes too :/
Demo Data
I agree with what lord_day has said in the feature, however I don't like it all that much. 2.
Demo Data

first post

on this map since 2006, very nice map loves the way it disoriented you.
And great fun to play. Enough to 4ave it, anyways. Horray for another feature.