Closest shave of any razor

Thumbnail of the map 'Closest shave of any razor'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Sharpie-Love
Tags action author:sharpie-love playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-01-08
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description First N map in a long while. Pretty easy once you figure out how it flows.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mitosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Amber Alert' Thumbnail of the map 'Arborial Abdication' Thumbnail of the map 'Unusual Artifact'
Mitosis Amber Alert Arborial Abdication Unusual Artifact


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look at the frickin close calls in this demo, theyre AWESOME!
Demo Data


Overall it was a good map, but here are a few things to consider for next time:

1. Too many rockets. When two rockets are placed very close to each other it's virtually the same as having one.
2. The fact that you only need one switch. This could be easily fixed by making one switch unlock the other rather than having them both unlock the exit.
3. No gold. Well, this is just my opinion, but I think it might look better with some gold.
4. I wonder... you know about the Z, X, and C buttons right? Because they could be used to place those two mines in the upper right corner a bit better.

Still, I liked the map. Keep up the good work!


Good and fun, the way maps should be.
Demo Data


Love it, man. Keep making maps, yo! Your maps are teh stuff!!!!1111
Demo Data

Oh yeah, Demo

A more dangerous method of completion.
Demo Data

To Sendy

Yeah, I was aware of that problem, but I'm counting on the players honor in this one.

Nice map,

a bit too easy though, once you've got it.
Demo Data


Ouch, lol
Demo Data


Really nice test of precision in the jumps. I like it.
Demo Data


Watch this... You can win without getting one switch.
Demo Data