The last judgement

Thumbnail of the map 'The last judgement'

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Author alex357
Tags action author:alex357 playable rated
Created 2006-05-28
Last Modified 2006-05-28
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Go in the hell and open the only door witch beware you from the last judgement, good look.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The 5 "N" Elements' Thumbnail of the map 'The 5 "N" Elements (Part 2)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mixed Style (Part II)' Thumbnail of the map 'The 4 Brothers' Thumbnail of the map 'Apollo Starts' Thumbnail of the map 'My first DDA map [Full]'
The 5 "N" Elements The 5 "N" Elements (Part 2) The Mixed Style (Part II) The 4 Brothers Apollo Starts My first DDA map [Full]


Pages: (0)

but not in my faves.. dunno, just didn't feel... perfect. but very very good nonetheless. 5/5.

i made a while too

Demo Data

fun map.

I made it to the exit... for a little while.
Demo Data
Bring on the sins!

But in all seriousness, nice map with a moderate difficulty. Nice tileset.