My first DDA map [Full]

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Author alex357
Tags author:alex357 dda rated
Created 2006-05-28
Last Modified 2006-05-28
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA map full! the complete version of

~> I made this map with the help of my little 8 years old brother Adrien!
I hope you like it!!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mixed Style' Thumbnail of the map 'The 5 "N" Elements' Thumbnail of the map 'The 5 "N" Elements (Part 2)' Thumbnail of the map 'The Mixed Style (Part II)' Thumbnail of the map 'The 4 Brothers' Thumbnail of the map 'Apollo Starts'
Mixed Style The 5 "N" Elements The 5 "N" Elements (Part 2) The Mixed Style (Part II) The 4 Brothers Apollo Starts


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better than my first DDA, which I never posted. Your second one is better. For a first its a 4/5


sux, too many, way to many launch pads but meh tis ok some close cals


sad that a 8-year old needed to help you, cuz its not very good.


ya my brother is a good help ^^

Not bad.

To many bounce pads but if an eight year old helped make it...congrats.