I'm Afraid of the Clouds Attacking...

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Afraid of the Clouds Attacking...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author rocket_thumped
Tags action author:rocket_thumped bitesized drones easy playable rated symmetrical
Created 2006-05-27
Last Modified 2008-03-26
by 38 people.
Map Data

Description I revised it, took some drones away to keep from lag. And I took the gauss away. Its crazy smooth and flowy so have fun...

This map is N+ for DS.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Swollen Summer II' Thumbnail of the map 'Inside the Hornets Nest ll' Thumbnail of the map 'A Pencil Pushers Dream, Life in the Factory' Thumbnail of the map 'Underworld lV - Highway to Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Lost in the Jet Stream' Thumbnail of the map 'Mystery Grislle'
Swollen Summer II Inside the Hornets Nest ll A Pencil Pushers Dream, Life in the Factory Underworld lV - Highway to Hell Lost in the Jet Stream Mystery Grislle


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heavenly demo!!!
Demo Data


Crap I come back from being away and this has 34 votes!?

a nice little surprise
But they are really quite alike.

Anyway, about the map. I thought it was ok, not my favorite.


You're right, they're quite similar in concept, but they're still very different levels. Also, in this map the drones stay in the playing area, while in the other one they pass right through.

- - -

Similar much?

even faster...

Demo Data

ha ha ha

beat this time then,teh cheat. :D
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Very well put together.
Smooth as hell.
Demo Data

wow still

going strong at top rated!
HA: Man, I loved how the droids only stays in the outside and charge in the platforms.
AH: Aw man, I dun know how people do different things with droids!!! Like, in one map, they ignore you and you can still get shocked. In another map, they can see you from the side. And, in another map, they can only look forword!
5/5, you deserve it.


200 frames faster than you, Qix
Demo Data

Easy as shit.

Just pretend there aren't any drones. I beat it first try that way. Okay map.

not very fast demo

but anyway...
For me, it is the BEST action map ever. Coz i prefer race maps, and this is a sorta mix of Race and Action
5 ninjas!
Demo Data

Great map...

Great use of seeker drones, well balanced difficulty. 4.5 ninjas.

me being slow

and bad at N. (AGD) really great. 4.5/5
Demo Data


this thing is smoooooth as butta' and can be spread well over a cinammin roll. 5/5


of the almighty demo!!!!
Demo Data


when i first played this, it didn't look that good, but the flow is excellent and the way the drones remove themselves is ingenius, and adds to the levels brilliant-ness


lord_day your pricesless buddy.... im glad there are a few people around here who liket to rate.


i had already rated it ages ago. this map is old, lol. just shows how consistent i am!

i escaped

lol. 4.5/5
Demo Data
Still could be improved though. 4.5/5
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Really liked it. 5
You dont see droids being used wit those walls in many other maps. Great job with that.
Demo Data


Frames faster....
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but complete
Demo Data

great map
