Kablizzy's Cavern IV

Thumbnail of the map 'Kablizzy's Cavern IV'

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Author Kablizzy
Tags author:kablizzy dda rated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-17
by 34 people.
Map Data

Description Okay, kids, here's another one for everyone's viewing pleasure. Or for your pleasureful enjoyment. Or for the enjoying of the pleasure of your viewing. You get the point. This one took me about as long as the other one, and I still wasn't able to incorporate my secret technique yet. Perhaps in the next one. =D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Verna Arcanis, Delio' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to Nambio' Thumbnail of the map 'Into The Fray...' Thumbnail of the map 'Which Switch?' Thumbnail of the map 'Quadpeak Spires' Thumbnail of the map 'Tonight, the Stars Revolt! / Ant Farm'
Verna Arcanis, Delio Tribute to Nambio Into The Fray... Which Switch? Quadpeak Spires Tonight, the Stars Revolt! / Ant Farm


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You're a king

Great, yo.





Well, groovy...

Hey, thanks again, ya'll. I'm glad you guys like these, It inspires me to do better with each one, which is gonna be hard after this and my last one. This thing wouldn't have worked without hiding that thwump, it would have dropped on you too soon at the end there, but that doesn't matter much, the point is, ya'll still like it, and that's what matters, thanks guys! =D
I've been rating DDAs as they compare with other DDAs also, and personally, I think this one still deserves high marks. I rank DDAs based on # of close calls, originality, and complexity. This one has all 3, 5 Ninjas.

On a side note, I think hidden enemies should only devalue a map when it can lead to your death. Hidden enemies in DDAs are useful, not harmful.


I think I'm inspired now. Great job!
I've been rating DDAs as they compare with other DDAs, to avoid ending up with loads of 5s. This would have gotten a 3 from me, but it had a hidden thwump so I gave it a 2.



how did you...? the thwumps...? the...? the fuck...???

/falls over.


Very nice job ! 5+ N :)


Again he's done it. 5 ninjas.