
Thumbnail of the map 'ROCKET-powered'

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Author guiswim7391
Tags author:guiswim7391 dda unrated
Created 2006-04-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N tries so hard to escape the rocket, but it follows him until the end, but then, N gets lost in the tunnels... can he escape?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'That Laser is Minus!' Thumbnail of the map 'Aviary Following' Thumbnail of the map '?' Thumbnail of the map 'LONG JUMP' Thumbnail of the map 'Invincible' Thumbnail of the map 'ziGzaG'
That Laser is Minus! Aviary Following ? LONG JUMP Invincible ziGzaG


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If you don't already know, 3uiswilg97-oh whatever, that's what a KRADDA is.


i would have liked more monsters but hey, that's just me. the tunnel bit was very neat though