Aviary Following

Thumbnail of the map 'Aviary Following'

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Author guiswim7391
Tags author:guiswim7391 dda rated
Created 2006-04-17
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A KRADDA, my first one... it's ok, not nearly as good as tattletale or other ones, but it's not that bad.

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Don't Look Up bouncerocket thwump bubbles elevatorbounce That Laser is Mine! That Laser is Minus!


Pages: (0)


not enough close calls, but good enough for a first, 4/5


bad, ive see worse, 3.5/5


Wow, this is great. It's not gonna be as good as tattletale, but how many are? Lots of great close calls, lengthy and i liked the small bit right before the end.
Keep it up! :)