
Thumbnail of the map 'Spike'

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Author pyroman28
Tags author:pyroman28 incomplete rated
Created 2006-04-08
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description my first tileset anyone can use it as long as they cite me for it ill probably use it sometime later make sure to comment and rate and give me pointers on how to improve

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'N on the Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Godsmack' Thumbnail of the map 'Celebrate' Thumbnail of the map 'Spectrophobia' Thumbnail of the map 'Morrowind' Thumbnail of the map 'Madness'
N on the Run Godsmack Celebrate Spectrophobia Morrowind Madness


Pages: (0)


11 ratings but only 2 comments. and it does sorta look like a duck or swan. 4

i like it...

i think it would be nice for a "hold something" DDA, but i generally like to make my own tilesets.... I think it looks kinda like a duck or swan, with the left side being the head/beak and the rights side being the neck. But who knows, im probably just being crazy


i love this one