Thumbnail of the map 'A "TRIBUTE" to McP'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MadMonkey91
Tags author:madmonkey91 rated test
Created 2006-04-03
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description This is a "tribute" to my pal McP. I think he'll love my level since it's a "tribute"

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SWITCHED' Thumbnail of the map 'LonG dIvisION' Thumbnail of the map 'Switched II' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Super S' Thumbnail of the map 'Los Muertos'
SWITCHED LonG dIvisION Switched II Eye of Doom Super S Los Muertos


Pages: (0)

Their gone...

But I never understood why the holdeddie sniper (thats what im calling him to refer to him and all his accounts) had it out for mcp3000.

@ McP3000

This is a tribute to you, but the tileset is the letters
F U (fuck you) Madmonkey91 and afiliate acounts you cumiving fucks...

However, Kudos that was very clever...
holdeddie, maddmonkey92, killer532, and though not on this map ntothepowerof1 have an anoying habbit of rating each others maps and commenting on the same maps a little to often *cough*multiacounting*cough*


is this level showing the letters F U?


Why is holdeddie always hanging around MadMonkey91?

1.Multi-accounting (most likley)

2. holdeddie's a fagg

Level Sniped

This level and a few others of mine have been victims of snipers, i would appreciate all the help, thanks.


u stupid mofo wtf its like a puzzle
It's shocking and pretty much impossible.

Demo Data


Madmonkey did snipe a bunch of his levels, so hes fairly justifyed.


really good level
who the hell is mcp and what is his problem
your also holdeddie....
cuniving bitch

Perfect Title

this is a tribut to mcp3000 and its fun to play, i love it
I like it, not cuz its a trubute though...
4/5 this a change of heart?


Demo Data