Super S

Thumbnail of the map 'Super S'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author MadMonkey91
Tags action author:madmonkey91 playable rated
Created 2006-03-03
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Fun, some guy TRIED to rip me off, this is the real thing

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pimple Face' Thumbnail of the map 'SWITCHED' Thumbnail of the map 'LonG dIvisION' Thumbnail of the map 'Switched II' Thumbnail of the map 'Eye of Doom'
Pimple Face SWITCHED LonG dIvisION Switched II Eye of Doom


Pages: (0)

I know you deuch

It's an inside joke for a friend

uh... monkey?

You do know we can all see that you are commenting on your own maps, right? You've done it on another map of your own, somewhere.


THIS IS THE BOMB, what the other guy said about the gaus turrets is true,but it's an awesome challenge to overcome. Definately play thIS!!!
definitly a 2/5 because of the turret amassing though
i personally dont like that theme