Vote! Election 2004

Thumbnail of the map 'Vote! Election 2004'

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Author 654321
Tags author:654321 test unrated v1.3c
Created 2004-10-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Vote for the Election with a clever voting system. THe number of empty cells means the number of drones who voted for someone else: Example: Bush may have 2 empty spaces after voting. 2 drones voted for Kerry. Post your epinion!

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One Way Gauntlets Tribute to Eli Easier Back and Forth Drone Trapping Fiber Optics (My Name) Effects


Pages: (0)

All of them is the same

I couldn't add him

The boting process would be screwed. i couldn't have found a way to make the process secure.