Sonic the Hedgehog

Thumbnail of the map 'Sonic the Hedgehog'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author manchesterutd
Tags author:manchesterutd playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-11
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I named this map sonic the hedgehog because it kinda reminded me of it, I guess ull see wen u play it but it has similarities
This map is kinda similar to my old asylum map and I named it a puzzle cos it seems more like that than action but it shares elements of both oh and the ‘play’ in the corner is only there cos I could think of nothing else.
And yeh replay data would be nice

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'illuminati attack' Thumbnail of the map 'RUN!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'attack the illuminati lair, now with gun turret!!! ' Thumbnail of the map 'strange nightmare' Thumbnail of the map 'Insane asylum, insanity (part 1) ' Thumbnail of the map 'GUN RUN, thanks to greenpencil'
illuminati attack RUN!!! attack the illuminati lair, now with gun turret!!! strange nightmare Insane asylum, insanity (part 1) GUN RUN, thanks to greenpencil


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Then, sir, you have a very crappy computer.

Either that, or a very crappy patience level.


First of all this map has a VERY long loading time and i got tired of sitting and waiting for the map to load. This was a really easy map but i did not make demo due to long loading. Here is a suggestion, take away some of the 1 way platforms, and not a lot of jump pads. it was not a good map 2.5/5


so far ive got some hgood comments, any chance of demo data tho and yeh im plannin my next map now


Its a good map. ps man u are great


THis map seems to be cool. I can just see it and feel it