Insane asylum, insanity (part 1)

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Author manchesterutd
Tags author:manchesterutd playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-02-01
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The ninja has awoke to find himself in a padded cell, after all the years of dodging and jumping he must have gone quite insane, or has he? Why is the padded cell so deadly? The ninja has been captured and drugged, he must escape his own warped imagination to awake, if he dies here the body cannot live without the mind…
don’t be surprised if switched in ther level trap you, its what theyre desighned to do, also never try and take a shortcut, just a word of warning, it might look there is one but its usually just a trap also beware of trick paths, and trick switches, don’t be greedy for switches, that’s all im gona say,and i will admit i wouldn’t be able to figure the first bit out myself, or even which switches are actually safe, ask if u need me to put up a replay showing u
This will be part of a story, enjoy
Also if you don’t like this, plz tel me and I will change my map style before part 2, im also quite interested in seeing how people approach this challenge, plz post a replay

look out for part 2 soon

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wow whoeva gave me that 4 outta 5, can i see a replay?