One Mine?

Thumbnail of the map 'One Mine?'

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Author SquidgY
Tags action author:squidgy playable unrated
Created 2006-02-04
Last Modified 2006-02-04
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just me trying to make a decent level out of one mine. It's for this one-monster challenge: ( )... yep.

As for the floor, I could've used an inescapable pit, trapping you in with one-way platforms, but that would've been lame.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Test Your Skill' Thumbnail of the map 'Starlight' Thumbnail of the map 'The Red Cross' Thumbnail of the map 'Be Entertained! (2)' Thumbnail of the map 'Floor Guards FTW' Thumbnail of the map 'Grueling'
Test Your Skill Starlight The Red Cross Be Entertained! (2) Floor Guards FTW Grueling


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Demo Data

Well fine...

Sheesh, no mercy then, eh? Just trap them in a grey hell without a dignified escape. Blah...


This system has a flaw - you can land on the tip of one of the spikes and jump off, not touching the thwumps.


Personal preference, that's it.


Why not use the one-ways? They're not lame, they're economic and rule-following. You can use thwumps in your other maps. One-ways are just a convenient way to have inescapable pits, and you're rejecting them because they're "lame".


Oh wellxorz.


But you're still not meeting the requirements...

Like I described...

Blank pits of no escape = lame.


Wouldn't thwumps count as enemies too? If so, you'd have 13 or so enemies.