Floor Guards FTW

Thumbnail of the map 'Floor Guards FTW'

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Author SquidgY
Tags action author:squidgy playable unrated
Created 2006-02-04
Last Modified 2006-02-04
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description How 'bout some competition on this one? It's very simple... but would be fun to try and perfect times, ya know?

Little bit of floor guard... well, a lot of floor guard... and that's it. Floor guards! Woot.

Other maps by this author

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Quicksand Be Entertained! Test Your Skill Starlight The Red Cross Be Entertained! (2)


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

All fixed...

Thanks for the notice.


I wonder where he is.. at the exit?

Crap that means other stuff's misplaced :(


i suggest you replace the ninja firstly.