Bad mood

Thumbnail of the map 'Bad mood'

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Author spilledtea
Tags action author:spilledtea playable unrated
Created 2006-01-25
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This map is slightly harder than it looks, or much easier...depending on how it looks...its better than half the crap that these retarded noobs are posting, and i just made it in 5 minutes....don't rate it...just play it, then smile...or punch something...cuz i'm in a bad mood.

Other maps by this author

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Verison 20 CC's (close calls) adrenaline EXTENDED Bridge Buliding: Basic Counting revised Mama's boy... Laser guided


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Not (or no) bad!

Great! Very good map, but I do not win it meanwhile.

Not bad...

But it was a tad boring with only homing launchers in it...