Mama's boy...

Thumbnail of the map 'Mama's boy...'

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Author spilledtea
Tags author:spilledtea dda rated
Created 2006-01-24
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description BEST DDA I HAVE EVER MADE...and i don't just say this on each map i make in order, claiming that each is better than the last *cough! you know who you are* this is a rather awesome DDA... lots of original ideas, NEW METHOD OF PROPULSION USED, though this is only a small part of the map. Its a pretty long one, and I am incredibly proud of this... please vote and comment.

P.s. If, in the extremely unlikely event that N dies, and it only happens rarely at a single part, do not rate me down....or, if you choose to, just rate what had happened in the map that far, by itself, ignoring the death. please. MAKE ME PROUD!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'n-verted' Thumbnail of the map 'Locust Swarm' Thumbnail of the map 'Verison ' Thumbnail of the map '20 CC's (close calls) adrenaline EXTENDED' Thumbnail of the map 'Bridge Buliding:' Thumbnail of the map 'Basic Counting revised'
n-verted Locust Swarm Verison 20 CC's (close calls) adrenaline EXTENDED Bridge Buliding: Basic Counting revised


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it starts off ok, then it goes down the drain and manages to get every bad technique in the book

gold delay? BAH! get some skill, make the map work around the rocket, not against it!


too short, too many launch pads
and confined to the center of the map
but the first part was awesome


you suck!


Just because you tell someone not to rate your map down for something doesn't mean they shouldn't.
That's like submitting a map and saying, "don't rate down because it's bad, please, just rate because I'm cool."
If the ninja dies, I will rate accordingly. That's that. The same goes for all of you others that say things like that.

New method?

what new method?