
Thumbnail of the map 'Disturbed'

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Author freik
Tags author:freik dda rated
Created 2006-01-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description when u load this click outta the textbox and press 1 then play.... it shuld work that way if it doesnt just try a second time then it will hopefully work ... mind u this very rarely doesnt work. i spent bout 4 days on this well not a straight 4 days like an hour every day. lotsa gold delay but who cares.... really?? as u notice this map is named after my favorite band =D have fun

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'FOR THE HORDE!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'dOOr aRt' Thumbnail of the map 'stupified' Thumbnail of the map 'NEEDLEZ' Thumbnail of the map 'FTH3 TAUREN' Thumbnail of the map 'Asparagus'
FOR THE HORDE!!! dOOr aRt stupified NEEDLEZ FTH3 TAUREN Asparagus


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Pretty neat.

4/5 next time, use less trampolines. Nice close calls.

that was great!!!

it was great but it took me long to load it.
if you compare your map to mine its like Sooo good


great map... a little too much gold for me but the modes of transportation kinda makes up for it. also i didnt like the fact that so much gold didnt make the level longer. but in conclusion great map :D 4/5