
Thumbnail of the map 'Mortem'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SpartaX18
Tags author:spartax18 hard hard-agd playable rated tight tunnels
Created 2015-02-04
Last Modified 2015-02-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Quickie.

Edit: Link to 2.0 version:

Other maps by this author

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Stellar! Landscape Grota Shommetamannet Maramara Float On


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Demo Data
But w/e, maybe it's because i played it a lot and got good at manuevering between those mines.

@James_S, ok, done.

seriously punishing map
Demo Data

Map looks sexy

But there are way too many mines, and like James said, the area that mines are activated are smaller in 2.0 than 1.4. This makes the map too frustrating and gets repetitive too quickly.

This looks good.

But it's very tedious and not a lot of fun.

wassup, I think you should put a link to n2 version cause a lot of maps are easier that way. I'm sure you know n1.4 mines have a bigger area in which they're activated. ..It would makes sense if mines placed on tiles worked like n1.4 mines and mines placed in the air worked like n2 mines (just like how land mines and water mines activate in RL). I really like the looks of this