Umaku i~tsu

Thumbnail of the map 'Umaku i~tsu'

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Author Fujita_Seiko
Tags author:fujita_seiko flow race unrated
Created 2014-12-04
Last Modified 2014-12-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Made in Nv2

Other maps by this author

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Ocha kan Torai! Taimuauto Gesuido Heisoku Tiles used from estehel - Ascension Two Daiyamondo Naibu Tsugumichi


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Faster SR

Meh. triple route, but poor execution. Certainly can be topped.
Demo Data

Mohit, Best score?

Thanks for playing Mohot-Ghunde (and you too Firetamer2)

Aren't you curious if you better than the fastest agd in Nv2?

Here the link:

But to check demo I think you have to search "Umaku i~tsu" In level > userleves. The Highscore there is 8536, but I think the score is different than in Nv1.4.

Your run look very simmalair than the highscore in Nv2, But you do 1 think differend, I really wonder what is faster. The run fastest run in Nv2 is exacly how I planned it.

Exuse me for my bad english


sub-800 should also be possible.
Demo Data
sub-120 should be possible.
Demo Data

Neat map

I like the simple style
Demo Data