67.5 degree run

Thumbnail of the map '67.5 degree run'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Kai_Robert
Tags author:kai_robert rated test
Created 2005-12-29
Last Modified 2005-12-29
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description a map that shows improvised ways to lock an area out,
this is an experimental map.

the hill are completely my design and idea.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Chinese Lamp' Thumbnail of the map 'Boosted Air' Thumbnail of the map 'Torpedo Ramps' Thumbnail of the map 'Halls of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain Climbing' Thumbnail of the map 'Over the limit'
Chinese Lamp Boosted Air Torpedo Ramps Halls of Doom Mountain Climbing Over the limit


Pages: (0)

Sub-900 AGD

Fun map :D
Demo Data

all gold demo...

its a fine idea...
i dont think anything on numa is a "new idea" anymore, minus a few crazy ideas that have come up, but this is a good level
Demo Data

oh sorry

the hill whas my idea, not the trap doors.
lay off, it is a good idea

Yeah yeah

But it was fun. Lay off guys


Too many mines.

Read this:
"the ways are completely my design and idea"...using trap doors as ledges isnt new...
Demo Data