Over the limit

Thumbnail of the map 'Over the limit'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Kai_Robert
Tags author:kai_robert playable race rated
Created 2005-12-26
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description this is my first race.
you must stay at very high speed to avoid getting killed,
it also uses the whole screen.
please rate, i spent alot of time on this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'simpleandhard' Thumbnail of the map 'Chinese Lamp' Thumbnail of the map 'Boosted Air' Thumbnail of the map 'Torpedo Ramps' Thumbnail of the map 'Halls of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'Mountain Climbing'
simpleandhard Chinese Lamp Boosted Air Torpedo Ramps Halls of Doom Mountain Climbing


Pages: (0)


just way too easy.
Demo Data


nice first race. :)
Demo Data


It was Easy but, fun, but short.

It''s ur first race tho, so u get 4.5/5


I tried it again and it worked this time. The code was scrambled when I pasted it.

Eh, 4/5

i does work.

i tested the map about 15 times! it is possible!
just stay at top speed and control your left/right movement.
it isnt supposed to be automatic

uh huh

wow EAgles_Arrows is mad

It works


No rating.

Playtest your levels BEFORE you begin submitting them >_<