Corner Kicks

Thumbnail of the map 'Corner Kicks'

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Author Armaghan_Ali
Tags author:armaghan_ali skill unrated
Created 2014-08-31
Last Modified 2014-08-31
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Recently I had been playing maps by ninja_matt and I was very much inspired by him.
his maps were simple yet required skills
this gave me the idea to make skill maps rather than waste my time in decorating them.
these maps from now on are not for mappers but for players, so if you say that this map isn't beautiful, ure wrong, u just cant play the map because ure not good enough

And This map is expecially dedicated to EddyMataGallos :D

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'I tried to fart but shit in my pants' Thumbnail of the map 'Youtube' Thumbnail of the map 'Patience Challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed Thrills But Kills' Thumbnail of the map 'Crippling Bastards' Thumbnail of the map 'Corner Jumps not kicks'
I tried to fart but shit in my pants Youtube Patience Challenge Speed Thrills But Kills Crippling Bastards Corner Jumps not kicks


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I think this is the best route. And thanks for the dedication man :D I used to play a lot of NUMA daily, but its been a long time and nowadays I barely visit it :P So excuse me if I miss things!
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Best sr I could get

Definitely could knock several frames off with a good chimney, but I can't do those.
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I cant quite half your time, sadly.
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first try agd
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