
Thumbnail of the map 'Eyes'

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Author Gioum
Tags author:gioum hard unrated
Created 2014-06-28
Last Modified 2014-06-28
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description awkward flooring galore

Other maps by this author

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10:29 Emerald babylon First row on your keyboard Immersion XGUGC uNCOMFrTABLE


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I would've like to see the edge of another floating 'plant' in the corner on the right side somewhere -because otherwise it looks like that right plant is on the very edge (e.g beyond it there's nothing) furthest from its energy source and hence should look to be weak/ dying.
but I cant, it seems perfect. The only think I thought up is to stick a (spinning) laser in the middle of the exit button area which would make getting the exit button not boring (because u would have to get over the laser hence do a nice high jump). Btw I reached the point where you have to wait for the zap drones if you get there any faster (see run) -but its fine cause you don't have to go too slowly

great map

loved the tiles. here's an agd.
Demo Data

