
Thumbnail of the map 'Fern'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author macrohenry
Tags author:macrohenry jumps laser medium oblique one-ways rated
Created 2014-02-28
Last Modified 2014-02-28
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description for oblique

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '18-4: Touch The Sky' Thumbnail of the map '19-0: Cold Sweat' Thumbnail of the map '19-1: Tornado Alley' Thumbnail of the map 'Hurry' Thumbnail of the map '19-2: Trapped' Thumbnail of the map 'Go To Hell'
18-4: Touch The Sky 19-0: Cold Sweat 19-1: Tornado Alley Hurry 19-2: Trapped Go To Hell


Pages: (0)


totally deserved, macro!




Thanks, NachoCheese! :)
clever use of laser (the map looks nice with it shinning only occasionally), but when you got the exit button on your run, maybe if the exit button was further away, u could have one extra laser drone dodging gameplay before you get the gate switch and then win

I really dig

the negative-positive tileset thing.
Is so atmospheric and well-done, also the motif is organic and pretty cool. Gameplay could be expanded a bit, but it is fine as it is. Also some of the movements are really fun to pull off.


Gorgeous! Loving the mechanics with the overlapping oneways. I sadly can't pull off the double bb jump, but the rest is super fun and fluid. Looks beautiful, too.

Nice map

Looks good and plays well. The laser was a nice touch.
Demo Data


Demo Data