
Thumbnail of the map 'Astronaut'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Ferox
Tags 300 action astronaut author:ferox featured n-art playable rated
Created 2013-11-23
Last Modified 2013-11-23
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description "Care to join the 100,000-mile-high club?"

A couple months ago I developed trigger finger in one of my fingers. It's bad to the point where my playing is quite sub-par so all of the action maps and races I was making are postponed for the time being.

Also, 300. Enjoy.

This map was featured on 2016-10-04

Some maps are not worth waiting for to load. This map, however, has a nice flow, as well as a stunning aesthetic making it well worth your time. We've all probably spent countless minutes waiting for maps to load that aren't very good. This time it will be, believe me. And if you aren't willing to, try to enjoy the art.

Without further ado, everyone, Astronaut — DaggaFork

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'This N map is only playable on a phone' Thumbnail of the map 'Tropic Thunder' Thumbnail of the map 'Nception' Thumbnail of the map 'Reservoir Dogs' Thumbnail of the map 'Grab your mask' Thumbnail of the map 'Miss Atomic Bomb'
This N map is only playable on a phone Tropic Thunder Nception Reservoir Dogs Grab your mask Miss Atomic Bomb


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Gotta love Ferox

gorgeous map

great feature

fun and creative

gr8 map
(as of the feature, at least.)

the thumb looks fantastic though the gold collection is a drag. lasers are effective and i like the dogs instead of mines.

Now, realistically

It's a pretty great map, but dying is pretty unforgivable and having to wait for the map to load is a bit of an annoyance. However, the laser part was great, it's easy to make up for mistakes, and for people with gold fetish like me the cha-ching per second is just insane. 3.5^/5
The gold is real nice lookin