Winners never Quit....

Thumbnail of the map 'Winners never Quit....'

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Author erikcu
Tags action author:erikcu unrated
Created 2013-10-19
Last Modified 2013-10-19
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Smoking

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bouncing Beaker' Thumbnail of the map 'n to the nth' Thumbnail of the map 'Speed AGD' Thumbnail of the map 'Congress, a Metaphore' Thumbnail of the map 'Leaping Lloyd Wright' Thumbnail of the map 'Tapiture'
Bouncing Beaker n to the nth Speed AGD Congress, a Metaphore Leaping Lloyd Wright Tapiture


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The gold wasn't any fun to collect, it was just too difficult. I would have to say combined with the mines it's a 2 at best.
Demo Data

You're a funny dude.
"She had run down and down and down, and had at last reached a point where medicines no longer had any helpful effect upon her. I said I knew I could put her upon her feet in a week. It brightened her up, it filled her with hope, and she said she would do everything I told her to do. So I said she must stop swearing and drinking, and smoking and eating for four days, and then she would be all right again.

And it would have happened just so, I know it; but she said she could not stop swearing, and smoking and drinking, because she had never done those things. So there it was. She had neglected her habits, and hadn’t any. Now that they would have come good, there were none in stock. She had nothing to fall back on. She was a sinking vessel, with no freight in her to throw overboard and lighten ship withal."

You're right

But my granny is 82 old.

They don't quit...

they die.
when they´re 60 years old! =D

a little fun...

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