Haze Hopper

Thumbnail of the map 'Haze Hopper'

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Author Nphasis
Tags . .. ... author:nphasis rated
Created 2013-10-18
Last Modified 2013-10-18
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I know I have a map up already but...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hey' Thumbnail of the map 'Smoke Bloom' Thumbnail of the map 'FREE TILES' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple' Thumbnail of the map 'Fine Rubbish Sculpt' Thumbnail of the map 'Get Drained'
Hey Smoke Bloom FREE TILES Simple Fine Rubbish Sculpt Get Drained


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Faster AGD. ;O
Demo Data


This map is lovely. It was fun finding routes and little innovations. Felt like a small adventure. :)
Demo Data


I sense some jealousy :P

wish I was as talented as you when making maps, looks nice..


great map, I wasn't actually super keen on the one woutery was complaining about, start was cool but gauss section felt a bit off. But this one's great, the gausses work super well, especially in the descent to get the exit key and last door key. Also there are no 'extra one ways' in the entire map woutery? /maybe/ the ones under the exit? but while your argument is a bit wacky anyway (extra items can serve for atmosphere, style, etc etc) it's totally invalid for this map. Oh and in terms of Sunset, I play a bunch of his maps and see one or no comments. He's not really overhyped at all. I don't think anyone much is anymore. We have to few mappers left for that haha. zzz enough bitching from me. cool map.
Demo Data


nice shot gauss haha.
Demo Data

sunset is overrated! Haha! Someone should tell him

Do you like Vodka?

Classy isn't always complex.

I never said that i didn't like you, it's just that i think that people like Sunset are overrated. You know... umm... well it isn't about this map, but his maps are just uber simple and usually not that good, yet i feel like they get praised to heaven. Just like the reviews - i want to know why to play a level, i don't want to hear a story that you thought was cool because it rhymes with the title! No!

Anyways, i feel like this map isn't incredibly special, just like Get Drained. Really, what was so special about that? Oh hey, let's put some random doors and a completely unnecesary floorguard that no-one needs to get to down in the map. It'll be epic, right? I don't get that sorta stuff and the map is waaay too simple, or, abstract, to have TWENTY PEOPLE rating it five as it's rating.

Just my thoughts on Numa.
But he´s often fun! (Not this time)
Demo Data


agd (sloppy)
Demo Data
hes not smart

I agree with Nphasis 100% fun map 4

hey wout

Can you tell me the last time you created something truly innovative with a map? There's not a whole hell of a lot left to conceive in this game. At this point I'm just having fun with it. You should try to do the same


i don't think he likes me lol

the only thing overused here is nphasis's considerable skill at mapping.

5/5 for woutery's comment x)

I'm betting this is going to have twenty people voting for five again. And i don't understand it. It's just an overused concept with some random extra oneways in the top.