
Thumbnail of the map 'simpleandhard'

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Author Kai_Robert
Tags author:kai_robert rated test
Created 2005-11-13
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description this is my submission to the simplicity contest.
its pretty cool.


Pages: (0)


this was for the simplicity contest, we couldnt use more than 5 objects and 5 tiles...
i got second place i think... or was it shared victory?
atleast i scored high, when there was over 25 maps entered.


this was for the simplicity contest, we couldnt use more than 5 objects and 5 tiles...
i got second place i think... or was it shared victory?
atleast i scored high, when there was over 25 maps entered.

First try

awesome map, but add a rocket or something.
Demo Data


Wasn't too hard. Just a couple of carefully timed jumps.
Demo Data

Second play...

Yep, pretty fun.
Demo Data

Beatcha both!

good entry man!
Demo Data


here, the demo, i just used chimneysweeps demo, because the demos are so hard to do.

+(wohoo! people like chimneysweep likes my map!) lol
Demo Data


now I've got under 500. I reckon you could get it even quicker too if you managed to make it with just one wall jump on the far right wall.
Demo Data


so close to under 500...

(by the way, JJ also wants to the demo you provide to be under 500 frames... which is possible for this map, as I've just shown, I think)
Demo Data


good map, i liked it.
however, jiggerjaw wants the participants to post demos with the maps, perhaps you should add one.