Thumbnail of the map 'LOTRLOL'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Epic4ever
Tags author:epic4ever dda kradda rated
Created 2013-06-28
Last Modified 2014-05-08
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description So I´m back, after being I guess a bit down and sad because of that I did not like my new studies and that I feel like that I have not succeeded in anything but I guess I have just been telling myself a lie because I have actually completed one degree.

The tileset is based on this map:
So credit to the team who made it.

Info: I know this kradda is not a perfect one but at the same time I do still think it is worth the name or abbreviation.

PS the pony in the middle is for Rose.

PS2 the name is by Lightning55: Lounging On The Rolling Log Over Lava

Many thanks mates!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '08-03:lollipop caveman' Thumbnail of the map '08-04:underground monastery' Thumbnail of the map '09-00:tentacle terror' Thumbnail of the map '09-01:the unreachable star' Thumbnail of the map '09-02:follow the yellow brick road' Thumbnail of the map '09-03:Choices for you.'
08-03:lollipop caveman 08-04:underground monastery 09-00:tentacle terror 09-01:the unreachable star 09-02:follow the yellow brick road 09-03:Choices for you.


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lounging on the rolling log over lava


My Enter The Dragon [] map didn't require that much efforts and time as Repercussion []
This DDA will give really tough fight to Repercussion


Demo Data


Demo Data
this must have taken a ton of time, very amazing. 5/5

And once you aren't so down anymore, would you be up for another wafflesoup group-collab? :D

it would be funny

if the title actually was LOLTROLL.
I almost read it as LOLTROL, but not quite.


did you change the level data?

if so, plz give original data?

Happy 200th!

Nice and long DDA, it doesn't lose steam half-way through.

Perhaps you chose a bad title for your 200 and maybe that's why... :P

That was fantastic.


is this map so lonely??????

4/5 for all this hard work and NO RECOGINTION.