Cya, NachoCheese

Thumbnail of the map 'Cya, NachoCheese'

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Author woutery
Tags author:woutery nreality rated
Created 2013-05-31
Last Modified 2013-05-31
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description //NReality//

If it wasn't obvious, this is a map for NachoCheese [] since he left. I seriously loved his maps. Although they were too hard. But whatever.

This is a little no-jumping map using trapdoors, in the style of NachoCheese's levels. It can be very tricky, and unless you actually play with care, they can kill you. I think it became a fun map.

Rate high, if it only were because i postponed doing my homework for this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'we all do this when we're bored' Thumbnail of the map 'From All Sides' Thumbnail of the map 'landmine corridor' Thumbnail of the map 'rocket has no space' Thumbnail of the map 'Some random place where the ninja is safe since trapdoors.' Thumbnail of the map 'jump coNtrol'
we all do this when we're bored From All Sides landmine corridor rocket has no space Some random place where the ninja is safe since trapdoors. jump coNtrol


Pages: (0)

I saw this.

Tried to locate it yesterday, couldn't find it.
Thankyou. :)

Mohit, dying doesn't happen that much if you play it right.

And, there's so much maps where you could die. Hey, guess what? We should stop putting enemies in our maps! Yes, that'll work! YEY!!1 YEYYYYAYSy

To miststalker:

"and unless you actually play with care, they can kill you."


like this. So you have to touch the ground first.
Demo Data

I die here

every time.
Demo Data