Dota 2

Thumbnail of the map 'Dota 2'

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Author WarDrums
Tags action author:wardrums dota dota-2 dota2 logo unrated
Created 2013-05-26
Last Modified 2013-06-05
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just wanted to make a cool tileset and this seemed to be a pretty obvious choice since i play the game quite a lot. If you'd like i would love to play with you, and if you don't have it yet but still would like to play, i have like 10-15 keys lying around gathering dust. So add me on steam and let's have some fun together ;)

p.s. if you think you can use the tiles better, feel free to use them ;)

Other maps by this author

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Twister Purification Shrapnel Stampede O \o/ O O Downfall


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Demo Data

aetherium gave me dota2!
haven't d/l'd it yet, but if I do ill tell u.

great map!
Demo Data

overall good map.
