DDA of Craziness

Thumbnail of the map 'DDA of Craziness'

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Author fonda
Tags author:fonda close-calls dda multienemy rated
Created 2013-02-25
Last Modified 2013-02-25
by 18 people.
Map Data

Description WOAH! BOUNCEBLOCKS WITH GOLD? TAKE A STEP BACK! This only took me 1 HOUR. This CRAZY DDA is TOTALLY INSANE! Especially the end! The ninja survives at the exit for 2 FRAMES! RCE! The longest portion of time I took on this DDA was the top right. It took me about half an hour to make it. I could've made this longer, but the laser drone was blocking my way, so I had to end here. Don't complain with all the launch pads. AND MOST OF THE ENEMIES ATTACK!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Colors!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'sorry guys.' Thumbnail of the map 'New DDA Coming Soon...' Thumbnail of the map 'Flashed' Thumbnail of the map 'The New DDA.' Thumbnail of the map 'Bounceblock+Gold Propelision Test'
Colors!!!!! sorry guys. New DDA Coming Soon... Flashed The New DDA. Bounceblock+Gold Propelision Test


Pages: (0)

Guess what!

After a few more maps, I'll work on another DDA that is a bit more epic than this.




I know you asked me to look for it...
That's why I looked for it...

But I must wait.

I can't download RIGHT NOW because I'm not on my new computer. I'm at a different house which has a different computer. You just wait for some NReality maps. Now I'm going to continue on with my episodes.


Thanks for searching! I am going to inform you that I told you to do that in the comments on one of your maps!


is this [] the mod master you are looking for?

You know...

Actually, the reason why I can't download mod master is because the download site looks as if it no longer exists. IS THAT THE ONLY DOWNLOAD SITE??? If it is, no more nreality maps.
but this is cool also! take their advice, and your dda making skills will improve! 4/5 for motivation

Already rated?

Wow! Thank you guys!


But you have to realise that we will expect Higher standards of close calls []


the download site for it has turned into yuku.

"My computer is new so I can't download Mod Master."

why? o_O
Although I'm afraid I won't be making any more NReality maps. My computer is new so I can't download Mod Master.
It's still the same whether I have the quality on high or medium. Enemy lag refers to the amount of enemies on the map. When there's more, it takes more time for them to activate as opposed to those with less.


You can right click and set the quality to low. I know it looks very bad, but it reduces the lag and there's more close calls!


It's okay on some levels, but the amount of enemies add to the lag thus yielding less close calls.
Demo Data

that desc

gave me cancer