Crystal Wall

Thumbnail of the map 'Crystal Wall'

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Tags author:palemoon crystalwall ice unrated
Created 2013-02-18
Last Modified 2013-02-24
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description "Yeah, the 'crystal' stuff is about as thick as walls get. But that just means the crunching noise are that much more gratifying when I hammer through it." - Kiyote

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Pages: (0)

chill atmosphere, and some fun jumps.
Demo Data




Tiles - The tiles are ok. they are fun and easy to run on but aesthetically they are kinda gross. (3)
Gold - Gold is well placed but again it doesn't look great. But I like where it was placed ad how it is placed evenly around the map. (3)
Mines (aesthetic) - NA
Mines (enemy) - NA
Enemies - the floor guards were a good choice. kinda like moving giant mines. (4)
Other objects - Exit and switch were placed well. and make a speedrun much shorter than an AGD (4.5)
Initial Impression (based on aesthetics and first try) - (3)
Overall gameplay - (4.5)

extra stuff for adjisting wwighting system due to you not having mines (that threw me off...)

73.69% 4/5



cool stuff

fun to figure out a path to, equally as fun to jump around the little buggers lol.

Oh snap!

We're gettin autOMATEd!

Very relaxing. 4/5