N v2.0 Public Beta

Thumbnail of the map 'N v2.0 Public Beta'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Wizard2
Tags 2013 author:wizard2 rated
Created 2013-01-01
Last Modified 2013-01-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Click here [].
For more info, see the blog [].

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'cloud crystal' Thumbnail of the map 'dalr' Thumbnail of the map 'play ground' Thumbnail of the map 'east of eden' Thumbnail of the map 'time' Thumbnail of the map 'logy'
cloud crystal dalr play ground east of eden time logy


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Fun map :D
Demo Data


actually quite fun to highscore...
Demo Data


I will refuse to play it if you can not set the jump key to shift, its current default and what I am used to

Okay well this was weird so setting the jump key as space in the settings does not change the fact that before every game you will have to press z to start while space is jump.? O.o
i wonder if they're going to put some userlevels in it too

thanks Wizard2!

you're the only one who knew that (lol)

This pretty awesome.
What intrigues me most at the moment is that there's a control setup for a second player...

im so exited

cant wait for the final version to be released.
though i cant play it that much because it lags like crazy on my computer.

the jump key is "z"
I got a "press JUMP to begin level" message and nothing works.