
Thumbnail of the map '∆∆∆'

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Author efaber
Tags action author:efaber fun gauss unrated
Created 2012-12-16
Last Modified 2012-12-16
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Does anybody have the map Chiptek? I had to get a new laptop and I'd rather not search through a ton of maps to find it. I think it's by Riobe, but I don't want to search through his 600 maps either.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Melting Pots' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Scales' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragon Scales 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Skyward Grotto' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh Shit! Aliens!' Thumbnail of the map 'You Can't Change The Scorpion'
The Melting Pots Dragon Scales Dragon Scales 2 Skyward Grotto Oh Shit! Aliens! You Can't Change The Scorpion


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school happened

she has levels but hasn't finished them.
I'm beginning to like it.

But you still have room for improvement.

Thanks for the compliment.
Google engine it's awesome.. :P ;)