An X with Shoes

Thumbnail of the map 'An X with Shoes'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi fun medium unrated
Created 2012-11-14
Last Modified 2012-11-14
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just a fun and quick map I made while waiting for people to submit their minimaps.

A question for all of those who find an AGD easy: Is it possible to win and not get any gold?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Positive' Thumbnail of the map 'Hovering Pagoda' Thumbnail of the map 'Hovering Pagoda (Tile-set)' Thumbnail of the map 'Nightcrawlers' Thumbnail of the map 'Minimaps Preview' Thumbnail of the map 'I Don't Even Fucking Care, It's Midnight'
Positive Hovering Pagoda Hovering Pagoda (Tile-set) Nightcrawlers Minimaps Preview I Don't Even Fucking Care, It's Midnight


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  • Demo Data


  • Demo Data


    Awesome demos guys, I especially like 1211's

    thanks for playing my map
    Demo Data


    Loved it.
    Demo Data


    lets see that happen

    It is possible to win with just the one gold at the beginning that Rose mentioned.


    I cant believe I didn't see that... Sometimes I astound myself with foolishness...
    Well, no, because of that gold piece literally half a square from the ninja's head and in the direct center of the gap in the tiles. You can't avoid getting that piece.