21-0: Serpent's Pass

Thumbnail of the map '21-0: Serpent's Pass'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles multipleroute playable race threepaths tworoadsdivergedinayellowwoodandsorryicouldnottravelbothandbeonetravelerlongistoodandlookeddownoneasfarasicouldtowhereitbentintheundergrowththentooktheotherasjustasfairandhavingperhapsthebetterclaimforitwasgrassyandwantedwearthoughasforthatthepassingtherehadwornthemreallyaboutthesame unrated
Created 2012-11-10
Last Modified 2012-11-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Plays like a race after you play it long enough. First level of the last episode of the map pack. Why 21 episodes? Apparently I can't count to 100 correctly. Three paths. One gets you all gold (and makes you race the thwump), and the other two are easier. Go with the flow; if you take either of the two harder routes you're not going to make it your first time. Worst come to worst, take the first route and feel good about yourself. Because you are a winner.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '19-3: The Climb' Thumbnail of the map '19-4: Omnipotent' Thumbnail of the map '20-0 Primary Active Transport' Thumbnail of the map '20-1: Slender' Thumbnail of the map '20-2: Cheat' Thumbnail of the map '20-4: Well Hung'
19-3: The Climb 19-4: Omnipotent 20-0 Primary Active Transport 20-1: Slender 20-2: Cheat 20-4: Well Hung


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Just been busy and lost some of the files for a little. I have another pack I finished the next year, I think. I'll check the file names later.

wait you finished this shit in '09? goddamn man

that explains so much
Of the routes, this is the easiest.
Demo Data
And here you are; sorry for not being clear.

Also keep in mind

I started this pack in 2008 and finished in 2009...I'm just still uploading.


I was definitely going for 2007 with this one. Close enough.

you continue to map like it's 2006 like a champ


this tile-set

kinda reminds me of 'the crazy miner'. this map was hectic and pretty fun to play. although it looked kind of messy,it didnt really matter much. good map 4/5. i kinda stuffed up a bit at the end, but, oh-well
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