20-2: Cheat

Thumbnail of the map '20-2: Cheat'

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Author turtles
Tags air author:turtles bird fly jump playable unrated
Created 2012-11-10
Last Modified 2012-11-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Not impossible. A bit of a tricky jump here, but altogether not too hard.

Other maps by this author

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19-1: Blueprint on the Nile 19-2: Extreme Checkers 19-3: The Climb 19-4: Omnipotent 20-0 Primary Active Transport 20-1: Slender


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Ahhhhh nooooo

Why did you go for the agd?! You were soooo close! Ah. Way better than I could have done in one go.


...its totally not impossible :P...
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