
Thumbnail of the map 'mhex'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BionicCryonic
Tags author:bioniccryonic featured mhex minimal rated
Created 2012-08-26
Last Modified 2012-08-26
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description minimal

This map was featured on 2012-12-01

Bio linked one of his maps the other day in #n or something, and I ended up playing through a good bit of his catalog. This is the best map I found. It would fit right into the Legacy columns, or into lord_day's new pack, or under krusch's name, etc. You get my point.

mhex -- truly minimal -- even has echoes of the original 500, although it's way too clever for that. Unbelievable map, and one I'm curious to see some highscores on.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trefoil' Thumbnail of the map 'Electromagnetic Supercollider' Thumbnail of the map 'The Drop That Shook The World' Thumbnail of the map 'Communist Lap Dances' Thumbnail of the map 'aleph null' Thumbnail of the map ''
Trefoil Electromagnetic Supercollider The Drop That Shook The World Communist Lap Dances aleph null


Pages: (0)

first try AGD

kind of fun.
Demo Data


see i don't think this is gonna help

<Rose> Grats on the feature.


Fun map :D
Demo Data

Well here's an

AGD to start us off. There are so many routes possible here.
Demo Data
Give it a bit more difficulty and it would have a great substance.


cool to have a feature with no comments on it yet.

gold was fun to collect.
Demo Data