
Thumbnail of the map 'Trefoil'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BionicCryonic
Tags author:bioniccryonic metanesque unrated
Created 2011-08-21
Last Modified 2011-08-21
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Guess which map this is based on.

Other maps by this author

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CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH Hel Tartarus Pandaemonium Starstruck In a Starless World Lugonu


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Bioo <333

How are you?

Agree with Sen. That map annoyed me for days. Constantly. This is an interesting take on it, though.


It's the back and forth action I don't like, it makes the map so unnecessarily long. It wouldn't be too bad if it were a standalone map and I could just play it for fun, but the fact that it's, what, 96-4 iirc, means that you can't even beat the column unless you get past it, which makes it even more irritating.

Anyway, that's my two cents. I can understand why other people would like it, I just find it extremely irritating.


That map is fucking sweet. I love how compartmentalized it is. You open the door to the other side and "Holy shit when did that get here?"

Oh fuck

It's that fucking map from the 90s column which I hate with a passion.