157-0: Casper

Thumbnail of the map '157-0: Casper'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 157-0 806 author:chrdrenkmann episode series unrated
Created 2012-08-12
Last Modified 2012-08-12
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


What do you see in this map? Tell me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '155-4: The 800 Club' Thumbnail of the map '156-0: Mentally Ill' Thumbnail of the map '156-1: Impulsive' Thumbnail of the map '156-2: Spiritual Cave' Thumbnail of the map '156-3: Asshole Drop' Thumbnail of the map '156-4: First Week Of School'
155-4: The 800 Club 156-0: Mentally Ill 156-1: Impulsive 156-2: Spiritual Cave 156-3: Asshole Drop 156-4: First Week Of School


Pages: (0)

So sad this

didn't work out.
Demo Data


You have like a week to get hold of me in some way or another and prove that you're still an active reviewer.


(I'm pretty sure you're actually still active unlike all the other people I'm messaging -- sign up for some August spots!)


a friendly ghost?

i see

35 mines, 2 rocket launchers, 2 normal doors, 2 locked doors with switches, 14 gold pieces, 2 bounceblocks, a zap drone, a ninja, exit with a switch, 6 oneways and some funky tiles.


i see

a face


Demo Data