09-0 This Is A Dead End

Thumbnail of the map '09-0 This Is A Dead End'

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Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 enjoy mepisodes rated
Created 2012-07-29
Last Modified 2012-07-29
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description I'm stopping mapping soon, as my new macbook is extremely hard to get used to play N on. I'll finish the mepisodes and then I'm out. :) Enjoy this last few from me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '08-2 O.E.D.' Thumbnail of the map 'Loose Courters' Thumbnail of the map '08-3 Bumblebee Samurai' Thumbnail of the map 'Sexy Man, Sexy Man' Thumbnail of the map '08-4 Vocal Acoustics' Thumbnail of the map '09-1 Closing Corners'
08-2 O.E.D. Loose Courters 08-3 Bumblebee Samurai Sexy Man, Sexy Man 08-4 Vocal Acoustics 09-1 Closing Corners


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I love this map

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All I can think of right now is a person walking away in slow motion while "Logos Velvet" by Tangerine Dream plays in the background, haha.


@BluePretzel ... Challenge Accepted. Probably won't work however.
Like, for real? You're leaving for mapping AND playing :(
Hopefully you come back. Whether it's just a pop back on NUMA or on IRC. </3

Oh wait, you leaving? No.


Fun map :D
Demo Data

I think that

what I'm going to miss most about you is your runs on my maps, and essentially just you in general. You're an awesome dude, going to miss you man. Hope you have a good life.


gonna miss your pretty little image maps
bye :(
Demo Data
for the great comments - thanks, Golfkid! I'll leave it unbeaten (for now).
@Sunset: She means the world to me, and we've spent a whole year at the same boarding school, so we were together every day. That's how we've managed to get by living so far from each other until now. So I know pretty much all there is to know about her--which is also another reason why I'm afraid of losing her.

I actually

just remapped my keyboard - so now it's the same. But still. It was more of a joke with the macbook - of course one can get used to it over time.
And as said - I can't say I'll leave indefinitely, but I can say that right now, I need to fix everything.

is that you memorized how far apart you and your girlfriend is down to the minute. Wow.


Had to leave one demo where I beat you for old times sake. Hope you get everything worked out.
Demo Data

hey misty!!!

You can't leave without having collab with me!!
Wht you think one collab to your last mepisodes like 09-2 or 09-3? I can go up with something and send to you via pastebin or IRC.
most people can only produce quality, or quantity, not both. you were an exception. i know i haven't really commented on most of your stuff but it's all brilliant, hats off. you'll be missed!


So the 5/5 was a sympathy vote. Maybe learn how to play in real time when you come back :P
Demo Data
Because they made it impossible to use the insert key and numpad 0! It's impossible to reach the object editor!

800's a pretty good number, though. And make a soundcloud because we never got to hear you (at least from your profile).


for being so cool ^^
It's been awesome knowing you here. As disappointing as it is to hear of your departure, no-one can really play N for their entire life, can they.
...wait, can they?

Though it would be nice if you popped in to say hello every now an then :)

Aw :(

this saddens me. I quite liked you.
I've gotta say, that story about your girlfriend is a much better excuse than that rubbish about your macbook pro. I'm starting to suspect that was a joke. I can be thick sometimes ;)

anyway, good luck with life and with your girlfriend. Hopefully we'll see you back.
i remember back when you first joined, you and natai had a massive argument with me... probably my most embarassing moment. :|

To you, too.

I'll miss you a ton as well!
We'll miss you. :/

And here's an AGD.

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Demo Data

I can't say

that this won't be as with all the other mappers, who return after a short period of being gone, but I can say that I'll put N away for a while. You probably have already noticed I was gone for a week for something. Also, I have to correct things with my girlfriend of almost three years, who thinks that we spend too much time apart, me living 2 hours and 20 minutes from her and thus not being able to visit her each and every day - if I could, I would. So I'm going to spend more time on planning my weeks, so I can spend more time with her - I'm so afraid of losing her at the moment, and that is the last thing I want to do. I love her, the companionship she provides, her family, and quite frankly, she's become my best friend as well. I feel that I can share anything with her, and her mere presence transcends me and makes me tremble, even after all this time.
So as you can probably pick up by reading all of this, things in my life have turned a little more serious, and while I value the secluded life on NUMA with you guys, I need to correct my life first. Happy mapping.


you can't leave, i won't allow that.