Mind; Heaven; and Drugs

Thumbnail of the map 'Mind; Heaven; and Drugs'

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Author Tommy_Wiseau
Tags author:tommy_wiseau playable rated
Created 2012-07-23
Last Modified 2012-08-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A collab with sunset. I apologize that I changed basically the whole thing; hope you don't mind.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sharpie' Thumbnail of the map 'Artists Only' Thumbnail of the map 'Colours of...' Thumbnail of the map 'With Names Such As These' Thumbnail of the map 'This is the map that resulted from me and Viil collaborating' Thumbnail of the map 'Brick Sprickly, Action News'
Sharpie Artists Only Colours of... With Names Such As These This is the map that resulted from me and Viil collaborating Brick Sprickly, Action News


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than chaingun+ zaps. 4.
Demo Data
Nah I don't mind, lol.
Because of the absence of mines.

AGD-1 (pretty bad)

really good map. The chaingun+drone+one-way combo is really fun and you execution here is great. As da_guru said, it is a lot of fun trying to find a good path.
Demo Data

good stuff.

wasn't easy to find a neat path where you didn't have to wait for the chaingun, which made this interesting.

actually, it's


First try,

too. :)


Demo Data
Nevertheless, had a ton of fun with this map. Looks awesome, too. Great job, guys!
Demo Data