background czech

Thumbnail of the map 'background czech'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mahi_mahi
Tags author:mahi_mahi mahi rated
Created 2011-09-23
Last Modified 2011-09-23
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description tried and failed at following today's themes.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Happy Birthday Maheh' Thumbnail of the map 'šhit' Thumbnail of the map 'No Disaster' Thumbnail of the map 'Oh Leader, why the Green Tide' Thumbnail of the map 'Soreh.' Thumbnail of the map 'Cult'
Happy Birthday Maheh šhit No Disaster Oh Leader, why the Green Tide Soreh. Cult


Pages: (0)

Amazingly amazing

Couldn't have told that from the thumbnail. Wonderfully open gameplay.

I suppose I took my inspiration from you. In a way, it's one of your maps but on a larger scale...

What a delicate and superb map, I am very fond of odd maps such as these.

5aved. Cool Map.


Demo Data