Another Random Level

Thumbnail of the map 'Another Random Level'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 enjoy random rated
Created 2011-07-21
Last Modified 2011-07-21
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Generated from randomness.

Enjoy :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Something pretty cool.' Thumbnail of the map '06-3 Flabellum' Thumbnail of the map 'The Collector' Thumbnail of the map 'Crushing Claws' Thumbnail of the map 'The Girl With the Flaxen Hair' Thumbnail of the map 'Electric Feel'
Something pretty cool. 06-3 Flabellum The Collector Crushing Claws The Girl With the Flaxen Hair Electric Feel


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I see. I would get offended, too. :)
I did make it a point to try to play maps by as many different authors as I could, and I actually think I succeeded in doing so. Now, I rarely even play the featured map, much less random Hot Maps... maps, but I'm sure that some of the newer guys are doing the same thing that I used to do. My point is that if you're a good mapper, you're going to get noticed. And speaking of which, your map here has a 5 average from 7 rates. You can't complain about not getting attention. ;3

Then that's

why NUMA seems so small to people. Because they don't take time to view the new authors' maps.
Gee, I wonder why people take more time to play maps by established authors than maps by everyone else. Why would someone play maps by authors they like???

Sarcasm aside, you can't expect people to play every map on the hot maps page. I could use a music analogy and say that I'm much more inclined to grab a new album by an artist I love than a band I've never seen before. Sure, I'll try out new bands when I can, to broaden my horizons and all that, but the familiar faces take precedence. It's the same with maps. If I can only play one map, I'm going to choose an author I already know, rather than just some random dude on Hot Maps.

I hope that makes sense.

mist and apakenua

I'm right there with you guys. well, except that i haven't posted a map in a while.... haha
I always considered you a "grand author"
(sorry for 2 comments)


I like it
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Giving up

drone trapped lol
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you have something I can't do... Map context. I love how you start as in "underground" then you got to some "hills" (above) and then to some funny greenhouse and a water pump down to the exit (flush?)

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tedious. but I'm getting down to this
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You little fuck

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I've been stereotyped as 'elite'


this random map turn in something great semi-adventuresque 5
you have this ability


certain: that it is true that often or almost always maps of random author (ofcourse you're not, I mean me) not have enough attention or the attention they deserve. In my case, I think I've done a good job with my last episode of survival, and has had almost no attention/demos/rates/comments. You for example, only played the first, and give your skill as a player could have done good demos (and impressive) in the episode, and did not have your attention, or almost anyone.

uncertain: I think authors like you, apakenua, Chrdrenkmann, LUKESV, if within the elite (or at least above me) and their maps if they attention, for example I often comment/rate all your maps, and you know you're one of my favorites. And RARELY COMMENT/RATE IN FEATURED.
Sometimes I don't really want to invest a significant amount of time playing one map, and I always seem to with yours.

P.S. They're still awesome.

I feel your pain.

Trust me. ;)

Ye, I suppose.

People seem to like grand authors like Palemoon and whoever's on the featured today map more than the occasional mapper on hot maps list. :)

It's too bad that

not many of your maps get attention. They're great. :)

This is awesome

4.5^ :)


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