eeS oN emiT gnoL

Thumbnail of the map 'eeS oN emiT gnoL'

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Author mrgy05
Tags 10mm action author:mrgy05 enjoy unrated
Created 2011-07-10
Last Modified 2011-07-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 10mm Submission.

It's been about a year since I've submitted a map. Just something quick.

- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'ToXiC' Thumbnail of the map 'A real quick appearance' Thumbnail of the map 'Galactic Sneeze' Thumbnail of the map 'It's all fun and games till your heart stops.' Thumbnail of the map 'Awkward 10mm' Thumbnail of the map 'Hood-Rat Infestation'
ToXiC A real quick appearance Galactic Sneeze It's all fun and games till your heart stops. Awkward 10mm Hood-Rat Infestation


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cool map

i realy appreciate youve returned :)

Hey! This is cool.

Although the rocket followed me into the room with the gauss and then the chaingun started shooting and I panicked.
Go back to enjoy one of the greatest!
Quick? Really impressive quick map, you're another God! 5

Been well

Just really busy with kids, work, planning on going back and finishing up school. What can be said, life's a beach eh?
how have you been?

Very cool!