
Thumbnail of the map '787B'

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Author Gioum
Tags action author:gioum car rotary unrated
Created 2011-06-20
Last Modified 2011-06-20
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description what does the name mean?
no one still haven't found what TS020 means yet

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Pain Split' Thumbnail of the map 'TrainStation' Thumbnail of the map 'VejaDu' Thumbnail of the map 'NouthWeast Odyssey' Thumbnail of the map 'Tonic, Dominant, And Subdominant' Thumbnail of the map 'Deep Forest Raceway'
Pain Split TrainStation VejaDu NouthWeast Odyssey Tonic, Dominant, And Subdominant Deep Forest Raceway


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so i suggest

you make something original. check out some of the authors on my profile and look at their work. i guarantee your next map will be better

it's like

you made a bunch of blocky shapes, placed enemies in between them, then added gold clumps. that isn't how a map should be constructed.

there, constructive. now take my advice and your next map will be much better.
i've seen structures like this in a lot of maps. the clumped gold was placed unimaginatively and the enemy placement was uninspired. it wasn't horrible looking, but it wasn't pretty either. the amount of satisfaction i gleaned from playing it was very minimal.