Tonic, Dominant, And Subdominant

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Author Gioum
Tags action author:gioum hard music test unrated
Created 2011-06-19
Last Modified 2011-06-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Base Major note: Tonic, let's say, G, as a tonic, the IV will be Subdominant, which will be C, and dominant will the D. It's like adding, with music.

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How do I Piano?

couldn't delist clone, this one is preserved.

Cute map.

Although, with progressions, you have to specify whether it is a major or a minor chord. If you don't, you won't know whether or not it is of dominant function.

Say, you have - as proposed - G minor as a tonic, you would need a D major in order for it to be a dominant. G minor could also be major - that's irrelevant. As long as the fifth chord is major, thus containing a leading note (F# (the third in a D major chord) is the leading note to G).

please delist one of them ;)

Demo Data

Double map?

215060 /and/ 215059?